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Is it Smart To Sell Your Old Home Before Buying A New One?

When considering purchasing a new home, it is important to consider the option of selling your old home first. While it may seem counterintuitive, the benefits of doing so can be numerous and significant.

Get the most money for your home

Firstly, selling your home before buying a new one can result in obtaining the maximum value for your property. This can provide you with additional financial resources to put towards the purchase of your new home, allowing you to potentially upgrade to a better suited property or pay down debt or save for retirement.

Negotiation Power 

Furthermore, when you have already sold your existing home, you will have more negotiating power when purchasing a new one. By not having to worry about the sale of your old home, you can focus on what is important to you and your family in a new home, and potentially negotiate a better deal.

Prioritize features in a new home

Additionally, selling your old home before buying a new one also allows you to prioritize the features that are important to you in a new home. Instead of getting distracted by unnecessary bells and whistles, you can focus on what truly matters to you and your lifestyle.

Avoid bridging loans and other expenses

Another benefit of selling your old home before buying a new one is avoiding the expenses associated with bridging loans and other costs. By having the proceeds from the sale of your old home available, you can use this money to cover any loans or taxes associated with the purchase of your new home, as well as any fees associated with selling your old home.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why selling your old home before buying a new one can be a wise decision. By considering this option, you can maximize the value of your property, negotiate more effectively for a new home, and prioritize the features that are important to you. The Bald Brothers Team can help you sell your old home quickly with an as-is offer.